Video of the week- String. Enjoy!

What do you think is the moral of the video? If I can give a one line summary, it'll be "Patience to Want Nothing!".

When we worry or desire for the things of the world, we often lose focus of God and He will lose significance in our lives.

Read the entry on 23th August "Patience to want Nothing" for more details. Lets develop patience to stand firm on the Word of God, even though victory may seem slow, today!


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It's an honor to have you here, and a greater pleasure to be able to share my thoughts and daily readings to all of you, my fellow brothers-and-sisters in Christ!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

22nd June 2006

Expect a Harvest
Kenneth Copeland

Give and it shall be given unto you. That statement came straight from the mouth of Jesus. Yet there are a great many believers who flatly refuse to believe it. In fact, they actually have the mistaken idea that it's wrong to expect to receive when they give.

The truth is--it's wrong not to!

What would you think about a farmer who planted seeds, then let his crop rot in the field? You'd think he was a fool, wouldn't you? And if he did it when others were starving, you'd think he was criminally irresponsible. Well, it's just as irresponsible to give financial seeds and ignore the harvest God promised. Especially when that harvest could help send the gospel to people who are starving to hear it. It's just as wrong to ignore the key to prosperity that Jesus Himself gave us as it is to let a wheat crop rot in the field.

God wants us to receive from the financial seeds that we plant. He wants us to be prepared to require no aid ourselves and to be "furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation" (2 Cor. 9:8, The Amplified Bible). He wants us to have plenty--not so we can hoard it selfishly--but so we can give generously. Next time you give, don't be afraid to expect a harvest! Release your faith for the financial rewards Jesus promised. Then, when they come, turn right around and plant them again. Keep the flow of giving and receiving going so the Lord can bless the world through you!

  • Point to Ponder: Give and it shall be given unto you.

  • Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

  • Verse: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. (Luke 6:38)


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