Video of the week- String. Enjoy!

What do you think is the moral of the video? If I can give a one line summary, it'll be "Patience to Want Nothing!".

When we worry or desire for the things of the world, we often lose focus of God and He will lose significance in our lives.

Read the entry on 23th August "Patience to want Nothing" for more details. Lets develop patience to stand firm on the Word of God, even though victory may seem slow, today!


A Warm Welcome to The Narrow Path, my personal devotionals blog!

It's an honor to have you here, and a greater pleasure to be able to share my thoughts and daily readings to all of you, my fellow brothers-and-sisters in Christ!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

27th January 2007- Tribute to Ps Aaron

From Pastor to friend to brother- The closest Pastor one can ever have

It was a day to be remembered for all. The day where no one expected to come- at least not so soon. One of his last sentences was, "I missed my mark."

Much preparation has been made for this day. I guess I missed the pre-parade segment. But at least I didn't miss the excitement of the actual party.

6.30pm, I arrived in CCR. I was half-an hour late, even though my father "chauffered" me due to the light rain. On retrospect, the rain seemed like drops of tears from heaven, as if God was also weeping with all of us..

As I entered the 3rd floor, I found that all the food was ready, the people hungry but just something or somebody was missing. Who else but the one this whole event was planned for? It was a thanksgiving dinner for our beloved youth pastor- Pastor Aaron.

I began catching up with my fellow brothers-in-christ and suddenly, a wave of restlessness spread among the people. Before I could say anything, I heard someone whispering, "Shh! He'll be here any moment!" I looked at the doorway and saw the doorway blocked by a huge sheet of paper with a nicely-drawn picture of a ferocious tiger displaying its array of razor-sharp teeth.

After what seemed like hours, but actually minutes, of waiting, we finally saw the shadow of a pair of legs behind the sheet of paper. A curious pair of eyes peeped through the tiny slit in the middle of the canine's snaring mouth. Before we knew it, "SPLAAAAT" and the man of the night has broken his way through our "solid" defence of a piece of paper. It was too fast even for the camera-men to jam the shuttlers. The man was poised for danger.. but nothing came. And as the sound of cheering, laughing and clapping filled the air, a smile which grew wider and wider through time flashed across his face. It was certainly a hilarious yet unique way to kick-start the party.

An opening prayer was said before we started feasting. And after that we had a great choir performance by some youth members, who formed the choir group in January... 2007. Meaningful lyrics. Forgot the actual words but it said that no matter how the paths of fellow christians may diverge on Earth, someday they will still converge up in Heaven. A video presentation with most members sharing about their experiences and thanksgiving speeches to Bro Aaron was then screened. Some were funny, some creative and some outright serious. My belonged to the last group. Doesn't matter I guess.. As long as it came from the heart.

Finally, an open time of sharing preceeded, where the time was opened to anybody who wanted to share an testimonies of the things he has.. or rather God has done through him. Many heartwarming things were said. And some sharings almost moved me to tears. To my surprise, I found that Aaron wasn't just a brother to me, but to all alike. He was always there for everyone, instinctively and proactively. If everyone were to give an account of what he has done for them, I guess we can start with the next day's youth service in no time. He was an example of well-formed love. Love that is patient, kind, not easily angered, not self-seeking, not boastful and love that keeps no record of wrongs. And no one could deny that they couldn't see Jesus in him. I thought: If this is just a fraction of God's love, then how amazing His love actually is! And how much thankful should we be for his love, which is higher than the highest mountains and deeper the the deepest seas!

Just when I thought the party was over, the climax of the event came. Aaron was invited onto the stage to say "a few" words. Some of us, especially the sisters were already tearing or with eyes swollen. An emotional Aaron began to speak. He began by recounting his NS days were he would look at his watch after his 2.4km run, with disappointment.. because he missed his mark.

And that, he said, was what he was feeling at that very moment.

He continued on to explain how hopeless the ministry was when he first stepped in. A desert of spiritual dryness among the people.. A dying ministry.. A great deception.. by none other than the Prince of Hades himself. Satan has sowed the greatest lie of all time in most of the older youths, that Hearts on Fire will never make it big. It will forever be that "insignificant youth ministry" opposite a grand mega church. It suddenly dawned upon me that this was so true! As I searched through the archives of the things I had said about my church, I realize that I always used words like "a very small church" or "you won't know one la, even if I tell you" or "that one lo, opposite lighthouse church". I never or rarely said "Chapel of Christ the Redeemer" with pride. Looks like its a subtle attitude that indirectly but potently suppresses our morales and spiritual motivation. And it has to, and will go.

Aaron went on to share how he struggled with this issues, including the really emotional parts which left him immobilized in speech. The humility he demonstrated far-surpasses any other I've ever seen. He never hides his emotions and is frank with us even to specific issues he is struggling with. Yup, even though he is our Pastor. Right at that moment, he was struggling to open his mouth, but the words just won't come out. Tears streamed from his eyes instead. Soon he was sobbing like I've never seen before. I dare not and couldn't bear to look furthur. I turned away and found many others whipping out tissues or rubbing their eyes. But I couldn't stop the sounds of my dear weeping brother from entering my ears. I felt the tears welling and cilliary muscles twitching... And before long, thankfully, he moved on to a more light-hearted issue and everybody began to cheer up. "Phew.." I heaved a sigh of relief. I didn't mind crying, just that there must at least be some people crying with me! =P

After the whole event, I personally thanked Aaron for his love and concern for me, his prayers and his encouragements. If not for his prayers, my wounds may not have healed so quickly. Yep.. the ones caused by the lovebite from an exceptionally passionate Siberian Husky, that landed me in CGH with 4 nice stitches for Christmas.

As I walked home, I thanked God for such a blessing in my life. No doubt an angel in disguise. I reflected and asked God how I could be used like him, to show care and concern, so as to bless those around me. God revealed to me that I should reach out to those closest to me first- my family! He directed me to hold regular bible study together as a family so we can grow in Christ together, keep each other accountable and bridge better relationships! Praise the Lord for a christian family! Not forgetting my granny, whom I really should cherish and talk to more often. Hopefully I can persuade her to find some christian friends to minister to her. His grace is sufficient for me!

The most important lesson through this is to never take people for granted. I must admit that it is only recently that I started cherishing Aaron. Then I realise that I had been taking my parents, as well as many important people around me for granted too. Only when they are gone will I see their importance. And like in this case, it is a little too late. It is, however, comforting to know that God has a plan for him, in his best interests. Also, its not his obituary so he's still always a call, email or sms away. Just that we won't get to see each other so often anymore. Hopefully Disciple Group wil resume. Or will the responnsibilty be handed over to us instead? That will be another story for another day..

Brother Aaron, just want you to know that u didn't miss the mark. You've done God proud by reaching out to almost each one of us (a great feat indeed!), strengthening the very foundations of Hearts on Fire. This will certainly have far-reaching effects on a ministry which was once dry, but now with renewed hope and vigour in Christ our Saviour.

Praise the Lord, you are such a blessing to all of us at Hearts on Fire!


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